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M33 from North Cornwall


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Finally got the scope out, after 5 weeks clouds, my try at M33 on Friday night, sw 72ed AzGti (3.36 firmware) eq mode Canon 600D, 42x180sec exposures, stacked in AAP, baffoonly processed in PS, needs more data, so hoping tonight is staying clear to grab some more data. 


Edited by AstroNebulee
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Looks great and nice to see you decided to keep imaging. 👍

Weather isn't looking too shabby for tonight or tomorrow so hopefully you'll get more data to add to it.

I think you have some horizontal banding in there but maybe try something like GradientXTerminator which is a PS plugin and should help with that.



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2 hours ago, Mike73 said:

Looks great and nice to see you decided to keep imaging. 👍

Weather isn't looking too shabby for tonight or tomorrow so hopefully you'll get more data to add to it.

I think you have some horizontal banding in there but maybe try something like GradientXTerminator which is a PS plugin and should help with that.



Thanks Mike, hopefully got another hours worth tonight, though guiding was acting up a bit. Yes there's quite a bit of banding in it and managed to get most of with the horizontal banding removal action in my astro tools in photoshop but not that good a job at it, I'll download the trial of gradient exterminator and see how that deals with it. I did use the free trial of pixinsight and that removes it beautifully but trial ran out and its very expensive at over 230 euros and not paying that just to remove banding. Normally the colder nights I have less banding but strangely not on this night. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've since managed to add more frames to this image to a total of 296 x180sec 800 iso. I didn't use gradient x terminator as I had a previous trial of it that ran out do couldn't download it again. I used astro flat pro and horizontal banging reduction in astro tool in photoshop, I can't help feeling there's more there and my image looks like it was a beautiful fresh painting that has had a sheet of paper placed over it and pressed to crunch and smudge the image, if you know what I mean. 


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