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Dwarf Planet Hits Bull In The Eye!

Paul M

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Whilst Checking SkySafari for interesting things that I might be missing because of the clouds, I noticed Ceres lingering around the Hyades. In Particular on the night of 2nd/3rd Nov Ceres comes within 8' of Aldebaran but at mag 7.8 it won't be a magnificent conjunction!

Never the less, I'll be looking to get some images of the interloper passing through the Hyades during November. A nice rich starfield for visual observers to be able to spot motion during a single session. There are a fair number of asteroids passing through the Hyades in the same period but are much fainter. Not all of them are labelled in this HNSky animation to reduce clutter but their locating dots can be seen moving from frame to frame.

Seems odd, Pluto's diameter is nearly 3 times greater than that of Ceres but Pluto got demoted to dwarf planet status and the former asteroid got promoted!


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3 hours ago, Knighty2112 said:

One to add to the viewing calendar. Ta! πŸ‘πŸ»

Indeed. I think the close pass of Aldebaran will be a nice opportunity to see our numero uno asteroid in real time motion and then onward through the Hyades.

I, of course, will waste it by trying to image it. I do have some eyepieces but I've forgot how to use them... :)Β 

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10 hours ago, Littleguy80 said:

Had a little peek at Ceres this evening, it’s already pretty close to Aldebaran so will be fun to track it as it moves closer.

Ceres is just starting it's opposition retrograde loop to the east of Aldebaran so it's slow moving just now but picks up speed aftet passing Aldebaran. It spends all November in region of the Hyades so plenty of photobomb oportunities.

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1 hour ago, F15Rules said:

..that's a shame..I'm happy to give them all a home..for FREEπŸ‘πŸ€­


I best keep them. They'll still work in the winter during the power cuts when imaging electronics won't.

And the sky will be nice and dark :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Interestingly the asteroid Crimea is in the same part of the sky, moving on a diverging path at similar speed by the looks. It is mag 13.5 so a bit of a challenge but hopefully someone can pick it up too.



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After a 6 week cloud-out the sky was clear last night, as if just for this event.Β 

Still some clouds to dodge but great transparency in between.

250 PDS, ASI071, Optolong L Pro filter. About 25 x 15 sec binned 2x2. Took the flats after the event this afternoon and they caused more trouble than they cured so I just used ASTAP's background equalising routine. Also caught Crimea in the frame too.




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