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Observing with society friends again !


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I've just come back from a great evening observing with Bristol AS buddies at the society observatory south of Bristol.

4 of us took scopes along ranging from a 102mm Maksutov-Cassegrain to an 11 inch SCT.

We just toured some well known late Summer / early Autumn sights. Nice to see all 4 gas giant planets through a variety of scopes.

What was really nice though was to be out under a dark sky again with others who share the interest and enthusiasm. I now realise just how much I've missed that over the past 18 months.





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7 hours ago, John said:

I've just come back from a great evening observing with Bristol AS buddies at the society observatory south of Bristol.

4 of us took scopes along ranging from a 102mm Maksutov-Cassegrain to an 11 inch SCT.

We just toured some well known late Summer / early Autumn sights. Nice to see all 4 gas giant planets through a variety of scopes.

What was really nice though was to be out under a dark sky again with others who share the interest and enthusiasm. I now realise just how much I've missed that over the past 18 months.





Great to hear this, John.

Ive had one night with some fellow astronomers from my club: Perseid maximum. As you found, i was taken by surprise by how wonderful it was to be out observing with friends again.

We haven’t started indoor meetings yet. I hope it will be soon. It’s 2 years since I attended one since I was living in India before the pandemic struck.

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