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Where did the colour go

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Hi Folks,

Quick question, still trying to get to grips with post editing the images I've stacked.

I recently purchased an zwo 533mc pro camera and on Friday managed to gather 90 minutes of data. (The Pliedies)

I stacked them in deep sky stacker and followed a you tube tutorial on Gimp. However , the image seems to only be in grey. I'm not sure if it's a dss issue or my incompetence with Gimp. 


Shouldn't there be some blue nebulosity in there?


Thanks for your help 


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Yes you go into raw/fits digital development process settings, then in the fits tab check the little box at the top  then select generic rggb in the camera selection, that should sort it don’t worry about any colour cast when it’s done that is sorted out in post processing 


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23 hours ago, Craig a said:

No problem let us know how it goes 

22 hours ago, Craney said:

Me thinks Simon is going to get a "WOW"  moment when he stacks them now.


Thanks for all your advice. So here is the edited version....with colour!

I appreciate that it's got a way to go, but at least it has colour. Any suggestions welcome.

Thanks for help 

M45 RGB Stack.jpg

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