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Nina plate solving error massege


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Hi just started using Nina and have download Astap but when it goes to plate solve i get a message saying Warning ASTAP-Warning remaining image dimensions too low! can any one shed some light on this maybe i have download the wrong astap catalogue H18? maybe i should download the H17 smaller star database,can anybody get me going.

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3 hours ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

I am not sure but sounds more like the size of the image is too small rather than the catalogue its using.
From memory I think it recommends downloading H18 and V17.
Are there enough stars visible ? Although I thought that would return a different fault.


All working now thanks seemed to be a problem with astap download had to change a command in file.

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The dimensions in pixels so width x height is too low. So in most cases the binning is too high. Keep the final image dimensions above 1280x960 pixels.  So don't bin more then 2 or if you have a small sensor keep binning at 1 or better 0 (= auto)


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  • 1 year later...

Sorry for resurrecting this old thread.  I came across this issue while using ASTAP inside NINA.  My camera is ZWO 585 whose bin1 dimension is 3840 * 2160. I got this error when I use bin2, for which the image dimension is 1920 * 1080, which is higher than 1280 x 960 .  Despite the warning, the plate solving works fine so I'm not terribly worried. Nonetheless, 


My FoV is ~ 0.5 degrees and I have both D50 and D80, both of which should work for 0.5 deg FoV according to https://www.hnsky.org/astap.htm . 


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An image with dimensions 1920 * 1080 should not generate a warning. Are you sure there is no binning at two places? One in Nina itself and one in the Nina ASTAP settings?.  To be save set the binning for ASTAP at zero which is the automatic mode.

D80 is probably overkill for 0.5 degrees field-of-view but it doesn't matter. Jou can delete/uninstall the D50.



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