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APP users - creating calibration data - does the algorithm setting matter?

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I'm using an NBZ filter with a colour camera.  I process with APP.  When I load my light, I have the option to choose the stacking algorithm.  Depending on what I want to achieve, I choose a different algorithm in the '0' tab eg Ha-Oiii color, or Ha-Oiii extract Ha.  If I create and save calibration masters with one algorithm chosen, can I load the same masters at a different time and chose another algorithm or are the masters bespoke to that particular algorithm?  Hope that makes sense.



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My understanding is that the calibration masters will be applied to all the different algorithms. I have used the Ha Oiii colour, extract ha and extract oii with the l- enhance. If I do them one after the other, when I change it in the 0 tab APP will tell me that I need to redo normalisation but it happily uses existing masters. And I've never seen any issue with the output doing it this way.


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I agree, i don't think the algorithm should matter for creating masters. I think it only gets used for the accuracy of star analysis and then obviously when the subs get debayered at the integration stage. 

If you wanted to be absolutely sure, you could always just test it out yourself pretty easily. Create 2 sets of Masters, each using a different algorithm. Use them to calibrate a stack and see if there is any visible difference. If they look the same, give them a DDP stretch and save as a Tiff, then throw them into PS and Equalize them. That should show up any differences. 

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