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asiair making a splash

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I see astrobackyard just posted a video about the plus, and I reckon he's going to be impressed with it. And Cuiv of 'that lazy geek' on youtube was raving about last week, which was nice to see.

It kinda feels good when you feel you've been telling folk about how good something is, but it's sort of ignored by the more experienced as somehow 'just for beginners'.. then they try it and are kinda shocked by how good it is.

For example Nina was making a big thing of it's plugin support and new AP process. I tried it, and it look AGES. plate solving was abysmal. But if all you know is nina, and you had an even worse AP process before, it can seem great if you don't try something else like  Cuiv did.

As always - one size does not fit all, etc. But I think the positive press the Plus is recieving from these channels and reviews is going to drive a lot more folk down the asiair route - which is good for us 'mature users'* - bigger base, more features, better support.

I'd urge those that have not tried it, or experience it yet, to have a go if you get a chance at a star party, etc.


*4 months now! a relative geriatric.

Edited by powerlord
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3 minutes ago, powerlord said:

But if all you know is nina, and you had an even worse AP process before, it can seem great if you don't try something else like  Cuiv did.

Cuiv aint no passer-by in the NINAverse, he's a collaborator too. I think he wrote some part of the focusing module. 

I suspect his interest in the ASIAir is connected to his need to go with a light weight rig since breaking his back. But, as you say, it's a great boost for ASIair. It had seemed to me that imagers were slowly drifting back towards Windows and away from Linux.

I smiled when Trevor (Astro Backyard) produced one in his recent video. I wondered if he'd finally embrace plate solving. Well, not this time. Soon maybe! :) 

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