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SV205 question


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So I have my camera and I have my windows laptop. Clear sky last night so captured some Jupiter. Ok so far. ( I weill not bore with my first attempts at stacking etc ). Now, being a full moon I directed my attention there.  With my 6"sct , 40mm plossl and 6.3 reducer I am good to go to get the whole moon in view but as soon as I pop the camera in I am zoomed right in so I cannot get the whole thing in view. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a tweak to this? It is like the camera is acting like a 10mm ep or something similar. Planning to try again with the Startravel 102 instead but I can normally get the whole moon with the 6" no problem.

Thanks guys.

Edit - just read somewhere that the SDV205 acts like a 5mm ep..  Maybe therein lies my answer.

Edited by Starslayer
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Your not doing anything wrong, the "zoomed in" image you see is what the sensor picks up of the image plane.

A smaller sensor will pick up less of the image plane and so show a zoomed in representation of what you see through the eye piece, a larger sensor will show a less zoomed in image.

Others on the forum can no doubt explain this in more detail.

The star travel will give you a slightly wider FoV as its focal length is less than even your reduced 6" SCT, probably not the entire moon though.

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