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Newbe looking for equipment

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Hi all I have been resourcing for weeks now on equiptment I am a newbe beginner I have been recommended the skywatcher but I have been looking for a GOTO model just to help me find what I am looking for as without it I probably would struggle to.find what I want to look at also wanting something I can attach my SLDR onto also for photos 

I am open to.all recommendations both with or with out GOTO 

Is there any phone apps to help me find planets , galaxy's ect if I go for a non GOTO telescope 

Thanks all 


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I am not sure you would find a goto better or quicker than developing your targeting skills. I find it fun to find a dim fuzzy by using a finder and an asterism.   Getting there is as exciting as the journey for me but then I am a narrow boater!

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Do you have a budget in mind? That will help us with recommendations

There is definitely more stock around now than there was even a couple of months ago, both new and secondhand so I'm sure you'll find something suitable soon 👍

This page had about 3 telescopes on it not so long ago, now there are multiple pages! https://www.firstlightoptics.com/telescopes-in-stock.html

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Until you provide some details of the amount of money you want to spend, what aspect of the night sky you want to image (planets or fainter galaxies and nebula), and if you want to have a mobile set up, or image from the back garden, it's impossible for anyone to make some suggestions.

Also we all have individual preferences and opinions, so you will receive conflicting and confusing advice once you provide that information.  For example, the poster above feels that navigating around the night sky without using goto systems is fun and all part of the hobby.  It will help, but for some can be frustrating and appear to be a waste of time.  Others will say a goto is a godsend as it saves time, and is an excellent tool to demonstrate where targets are so you can learn the night sky that way.  Personally I've always struggled star hopping to find faint targets, so Goto has helped me learn where things are.  I also want to be up and running quickly so goto is important to me, but I equally understand and respect learning how to manually find targets is importiant.

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  • 3 months later...


I am  Raj.

also new in the lounge.

Looking to buy a telescope for my children 9 and 12 .(and also for me!)

I am into photography in general using DSLR.Eventually do some astrophotography .

I  prefer a portable small Dob eg SW 130 P  for  158£   or a used 200P  FOR 275£.

Any suggestions which is better for my needs please


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