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Hi everyone. I was planning to purchase AsiAir. Before I do, thought I’ll check out if anyone knows whether Datyson T7 guide camera is supported by AsiAir. I have T7 and given the tight budget that I have, I wanted to avoid purchasing a new ZWO guide camera. 

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there are of course other choices. stellarmate, astroberry, nina, kstars, etc.

But I would generalise and say that all of those are comparible -they have a broad range of features in common, and most importantly a user interface which is reasonably common.

asiair does not. asiair is a device build for simplicity with a mobile ONLY interface. If that is your prime requirement there ARE no other choices.

If you prefer or are happy to use a full PC type interface, then yes, stellarmate and others are an option of course.

Cuiv's latest youtube video is quite spot on at the difference. He is a long term nina user, which is not a million miles away from what stellarmate offers:


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Stellarmate has an app functionality too.  I don't know how good the UX is on the app b/c I use it via a remote laptop.  But have to say I am a big fan of Stellarmate (I believe ASIAir uses INDI underneath just as EKOS on Stellarmate does).

The restrictiveness to ZWO products is a big deterrent.  If the OP ever wants to start using auto-focusers, he will also be stuck with a ZWO EAF & so will not be able to use other v good products like DeepSkyDad, Pegasus, SestoSenso etc.  I'd imagine it will be similar for filter wheels?


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the stellarmate mobile app is very basic.

yes - as you say, you are making a decision to work within the walled garden. either you are ok with that or not. In that regard it's very similar to apple ?

As with apple, you get benefits like reliability and easy of use because of the limited support required.

As with apple, you get the frustration of incompatibility with non apple gear. Macos/ios is berkley unix underneath. so what ? If you've ever used Berkely unix you'll know that it is about as similar to macos as a tree and a squirrel.

I'm definately not saying asiair is a panacea. I am saying, they are different beasts. depending on what is important to you, one may be head and shoulder above the other.

The op asked about asiair so I answered.

It's good to go in eyes open for sure.

imho, as a geek who published his first spectrum game aged 12, and as I very old geek who has spent the intermediate time writing, designing and architecting software, what zwo have achieved is very very good imho. stellarmate is 'just' some existing software put together (i know it's support, tesitng, etc and the minimum mobile app, but still..) . asiair is a solution to a problem. I have to respect them for that. And I can't fault them for making it a walled garden. Why on earth wouldn't they do that.  Astroberry as open source is of course welcome to do the same thing, but so far it's devs have not. Maybe that will change ? Or maybe it won't.

I do hope so, competition breeds innovation and we could do with some of that in astronomy where 'computer controlled' is still used in marketing like some sort of futuristic mantra in the 1980w, and gps addons are still sold for mounts as if they are flying cars. If nothing else. asiair might shake up the utter stagnation in the application of technology to astrophotography ?



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17 hours ago, powerlord said:

...as a geek who published his first spectrum game aged 12, and as I very old geek who has spent the intermediate time writing, designing and architecting software, what zwo have achieved is very very good imho...

...competition breeds innovation and we could do with some of that in astronomy ...If nothing else. asiair might shake up the utter stagnation in the application of technology to astrophotography ?



I remember ZXSpectrum - fun times playing games on that - which game was it?

Agreed re competition & innovation.  For me, I have non-ZWO auto-focusers so that's a walled garden I've avoided entering so far.  Am hopeful that the new Stellarmate Pro which is meant to launch later this year will be similarly disruptive for the walled garden approach too🤞🏾


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