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Restarting spectroscopy

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Well it's been a few years since I dipped my toe into spectroscopy. Life, house move and covid. I'd like to get really started again after my op and I'm all healed up. I used the Bass project software before but having a new computer in the dome, etc, I need to start things from scratch. I only took a couple of spectra before life got in the way so haven't really got to grips with the software either. Anyway hope you can direct me once again to the right places. Attached was my first spectroscopy graph from Vega. Also is it possible to use my monochrome zwo asi 178mm rather than my DSLR that I used before? Also I've bought the 3.8 grism to go with the star analyser 100.


Edited by Nigella Bryant
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8 hours ago, Merlin66 said:


Welcome back to the spectroscopic fold.

Your ASI 178 mm would be much better than your DSLR. You would need to watch the spacing as the chip is only 5 x 7.4mm.

We're here if you need us.


Thanks, I thought it would be. Been in touch with Robin of the BAA too so that's great and rejoined the BASs project forum. It'll be a another month before I can seriously get back to it but if I'm struggling I'll be back, as Arnie says, lol.

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