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Iris Nebula NGC7023 and Gyulbudaghian's Nebula LBN468


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I went with a small group of Astrophotographers to the Cotswolds last week Bortle 4, so nice after my horrible home location of Bortle 8.  This is the first of 2 images I managed to acquire on the 2 clear nights we had.

Been wanting an opportunity to get this combination of targets for some time, but given my lack of dark sky opportunities, I didn't dare risk starting a Mosaic, so I used my Samyang lens.  

Atik460EX and Samyang 135mm @ f2.8

Lum 23 x 600 (3hours 50mins)
RGB 14 x 150secs binned each filter (35m each) total 1 hour 45 mins
Total imaging time 5 hours 35mins

Stupidly forgot to cool the camera, so the whole lot was done uncooled (gun to head).


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That's wonderful Carole, really nicely processed. Amazing what a difference even a Bortle 4 sky can make. The Samyang 135 F2 is a great lens, and one I'd like to get myself at some point in the future.

Ps - one small piece of feedback, if I may. The image could benefit from a bit more contrast. A quick blast of Dehaze in PS might do the trick, or even just a small curves adjustment, but either way it's still amazing. 

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13 minutes ago, carastro said:

Thanks everyone. 

Thanks Xiga, means a lot.

Not heard of this, and I use PS all the time, but maybe it's in the later versions of PS,  I use CS3.  


It's a slider in Camera Raw under the Filters menu. I'm on PS CC 2014 so it's possible it's not on the earlier versions. 

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well done Carol, tried this last week with my Samyang @ f2.4 + my ASI533mc from my garden bottle 5/6 but could only get just the iris, even in massive stretch I could barely see a hint of the strongest dark neb on the right. I think I will have to try again with my mono 460 or 383, though I was really hoping the OSC would work on this as ive seen may people getting a good image using OSC, maybe they have darker skies than me. I do fine with narrowband or goalies just never really get anywhere with dark nebulas / IFN.




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well done Carol, tried this last week with my Samyang @ f2.4 + my ASI533mc from my garden bottle 5/6 but could only get just the iris, even in massive stretch I could barely see a hint of the strongest dark neb on the right. I think I will have to try again with my mono 460 or 383, though I was really hoping the OSC would work on this as ive seen may people getting a good image using OSC, maybe they have darker skies than me. I do fine with narrowband or goalies just never really get anywhere with dark nebulas / IFN.

I  haven't used OSC for donkeys years, I imagine you would struggle.  My combo was Samyang/460 which is what you have.


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That's nice, Carole, and not badly damaged by the cooling issue. We've all done that. Ten days ago in my case!


Thanks Olly, and it's reassuring to know that I am not alone in my idiocy.  

However considering I thought this was going to be a write off because of being uncooled, I was totally gobmacked to receive the following message from Astrobin this evening:

Congratulations! Your image was voted Top Pick: Iris Nebula NGC7023 and Gyulbudaghian's Nebula LBN468


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