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A little surprised


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His was  looking at the weather forecast at teatime and there was a mention that there could be clear spells later tonight.

I set up my Celestron 6se and my Meade ETX 90 on the off chance that the forecast could be correct, and it was.

At about 8pm there was lots of cloud but it cleared and Jupiter was amazing with good detail,I then took my Celestron 102GT refractor across the road to view the Moon it was staggering  with good seeing .

Jupiter at around 10 30 was much higher and the detail improved no end.clouds started to scuttle in and I called it a night Well pleased after so many poor nights  

Lots of tiding away tomorrow

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same here in London- forecast yesterday was clouds but this evening it cleared and is still clear and very good seeing- Earlier Saturn was very crisp and Jupiter is beautiful right now with teh GRS and those 2 dark barges or whatever they are just above the North eq belt (below in dob view)

A very nice surprise!

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same here in suffolk. forecasts all said a few hours of clear skies, then thick cloud from midnight... took a chance and setup - and ended up imaging all night with clear skies - results looks very sharp. you'd think they'd be able to get forecasts 5-6 hours ahead accurate by now ??

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