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plate solving question

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Hi all, I have two setups on a permanent pier. An ASI 1600 mono paired with an ED80 scope, I also have a MAK 127 paired with an ASI 533 OSC. I have no problem plate solving with the widefield outfit but cant for the life of me plate solve with the mak , I keep getting "not enough stars" even though it has detected 37 stars I have been using ASTAP . any suggestions?  I have nina sharpcap and sgpro installed, astap runs but dosnt solve, anyhelp much appreciated


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1 hour ago, brrttpaul said:

Hi all, I have two setups on a permanent pier. An ASI 1600 mono paired with an ED80 scope, I also have a MAK 127 paired with an ASI 533 OSC. I have no problem plate solving with the widefield outfit but cant for the life of me plate solve with the mak , I keep getting "not enough stars" even though it has detected 37 stars I have been using ASTAP . any suggestions?  I have nina sharpcap and sgpro installed, astap runs but dosnt solve, anyhelp much appreciated


Hi there - that's odd, but to start the troubleshooting, have you inputted the correct focal length of the MAK127 in the capture software (which will configure ASTAP for you)?

Also I have no idea if 37 stars is enough for plate solving...is it worth taking a longer exposure for the plate solve to have some more stars? So for eg 10 seconds instead of 5...again can be found in plate solving settings somewhere. Or increasing the gain?

Edited by eshy76
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