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First Light - C925 Jupiter and Saturn


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Seeing was terrible last night, but with forecasts all saying 100% cloud and reality being 50% clouds, I took the opportunity to test out the new C925.

View was wobbling all over the place with atmosphere, so this is all I got. Happy with C925 though - lovely jubbly


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2 hours ago, powerlord said:

Seeing was terrible last night, but with forecasts all saying 100% cloud and reality being 50% clouds, I took the opportunity to test out the new C925.

View was wobbling all over the place with atmosphere, so this is all I got. Happy with C925 though - lovely jubbly


Good first light. Something to build on for sure. Under good seeing. clearly you will do even better. So a success. What was the collimation of the scope like ? 

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Collimation seems good. It's new to me rather than new new. I'll test it properly when the conditions are a bit better. Last night all I had time for before the clouds came in was a quick star test pic, and that seems sharp. It's pretty new, and I don't believe the corrector plate has ever been off, so I doubt if it's out it can be out by much.

I did like the fact it's the first time I've shot 2 seperate videos of Jupiter. And though only a minute apart of so, it was enough to see rotation. If I get a clear night I'd quite like to do an animation - plus I've never timed it right for the red spot so far !


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18 minutes ago, powerlord said:

Collimation seems good. It's new to me rather than new new. I'll test it properly when the conditions are a bit better. Last night all I had time for before the clouds came in was a quick star test pic, and that seems sharp. It's pretty new, and I don't believe the corrector plate has ever been off, so I doubt if it's out it can be out by much.

I did like the fact it's the first time I've shot 2 seperate videos of Jupiter. And though only a minute apart of so, it was enough to see rotation. If I get a clear night I'd quite like to do an animation - plus I've never timed it right for the red spot so far !


 Winjupos can correct for rotation enabling a lot more frames. Well good luck anyway. Off to a good start

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thanks Craig.

So.. working this all out.. if I wanted to do a full 360 rotation video of Jupiter.. of say 4 seconds at 25fps.. (100 frames):

I need one pic per 3.6 degrees. Jupiter takes 600 mins to rotate, so that's one pic ever 6 minutes.

So I could take say, 5x1 min videos every 6 minutes over a night.

And repeat each night.. trying to figure out times where I cover the whole rotation..

then for each 5 1 min videos, I could use use Winjupos to give me one master pic representing that angle of rotation.

The hardest bit would I think be matching up each nights recordings into the ones I've got. Is there a tool that gives you the 'rotational angle of jupiter' or something ? that would help a hell of a lot - I could start to build up those masters jup0, jup3.6, jup7.2...jup176.4, etc

Eventually when I have all 100, combine into a video just like hubbles.. but crapper. 😝


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On 15/09/2021 at 15:18, powerlord said:

thanks Craig.

So.. working this all out.. if I wanted to do a full 360 rotation video of Jupiter.. of say 4 seconds at 25fps.. (100 frames):

I need one pic per 3.6 degrees. Jupiter takes 600 mins to rotate, so that's one pic ever 6 minutes.

So I could take say, 5x1 min videos every 6 minutes over a night.

And repeat each night.. trying to figure out times where I cover the whole rotation..

then for each 5 1 min videos, I could use use Winjupos to give me one master pic representing that angle of rotation.

The hardest bit would I think be matching up each nights recordings into the ones I've got. Is there a tool that gives you the 'rotational angle of jupiter' or something ? that would help a hell of a lot - I could start to build up those masters jup0, jup3.6, jup7.2...jup176.4, etc

Eventually when I have all 100, combine into a video just like hubbles.. but crapper. 😝


Never done a 360 so cant advice. Usually just do the nights captures.  7 frames shows quite a  bit of movement. Why not do a small one to start to get a feel for it. Will probably help. Different seeing, and settings will show up on the rotation. Still havent produced a perfect one after many years. I use PIPP which i like.

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8 hours ago, GrahamD said:

Hi, can I ask, was a Barlow used for these or the ones on the C8 ?

thanks, Graham

Not for c925. Seeing not worth it. I think I Used a 2x with the c8, details in original thread - I'd need to check that. If I did it was my Sw 2" ED 2X.

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