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NGC7000 and M39


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Two targets in two clear nights, both with SW 200PDS + 600D unmodded + MPCC from a Bortle 6+. Coma can be seen in the upper left corner of both images (collimation is driving me crazy).

  • (A section of) NGC7000 - North America nebulae: 40 subs @ 180s/ISO1600 + 15 flats + 20 bias; stacked with DSS and processed with PS.  Too narrow FOV for the target, but since it was up high, I decided to give it a try. 



  • M39: 18 subs @ 180s/ISO1600 + 15 flats + 20 bias; stacked with DSS and processed with PS.


Comments will be more than welcome. 

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Looking good!

Have you thought about getting the 600D astro modded? I also use a 600D at the moment and the astro mod (Mine has had one of the IR filters removed I believe) makes a massive difference when imaging rich Ha nebula like the NA nebula. Well worth the investment if you're going to stick with the 600D for any length of time.

Bizzarely, I think I actually imaged the same two targets with the same camera on the same night :D

Edited by Iem1
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Also, I read the 600D has a sweet spot of ISO 800. Perhaps it performs a little bit different when unmodded, but I only use 1600 with 30 second subs to find targets, then straight back to ISO 800 when imaging. I find 1600 tends to wash out my images a bit too much, even under dark skies.

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Yes @Iem1, I would like to mod it some day. It will surely make a difference with nebulas.  

Regarding the ISO, I also read about 800 as the sweet spot for the 600D, but I decided to use 1600 for fainter objects. It will be a matter of trying and checking.

However, I'm greatly concerned about the remaining coma. It annoys me a lot. Yesterday I tried to re-collimate the telescope but it seems I cannot get rid of the artifact. I'm starting thinking that the MPCC has something to do with it.

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