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Jupiter - Europa & Ganymede Transit 5/09/21


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Lovely seeing here in Southampton last night and early this morning. Some of the best views I’ve had this year which surprised me.

Europas shadow transit looked stunning right next to the GRS before it unfortunately disappeared behind a tree. But by then I’d seen the best of it.

Ganymede wasn’t due to transit until just after 2am BST and by then Jupiter was partly hidden and far to low for me anyway.

Earlier in the evening Saturn also looked superb. A good night, although the fun and excitement made it hard for me to sleep.! 

Edited by PeterStudz
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I got up for 2.00 am and had a clear view of Ganymede beginning its transit just as Europa was leaving the disc. Great view as Jupiter developed two small ears with the two moons perfectly placed opposite each other. I have observed this occurrence before but I’m assuming it doesn’t happen too often. The tiny shadow of Europa was also visible tending to come and go with the seeing. 
The planet was getting low but seeing was generally good with the pinpoint moons very clear. Worth getting up for! 

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I managed to get out last night in hot conditions but clear skies. It has been a long time since I have had a decent look at Jupiter.

Very bright disk with three moons showing to one side, two close together and one much farther out.

According to my phone app ‘Io’ was in transit which explained the missing moon. With the bad distortion due to the heat it took some time to get a couple steady moments but a couple of times I could clearly see the moons shadow on the planets surface.

I am well chuffed with that result and very happy the gas giants are back to a better position for observing.



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2 hours ago, Marvin Jenkins said:

I managed to get out last night in hot conditions but clear skies. It has been a long time since I have had a decent look at Jupiter.

Very bright disk with three moons showing to one side, two close together and one much farther out.

According to my phone app ‘Io’ was in transit which explained the missing moon. With the bad distortion due to the heat it took some time to get a couple steady moments but a couple of times I could clearly see the moons shadow on the planets surface.

I am well chuffed with that result and very happy the gas giants are back to a better position for observing.



That more or less sums up my observation last night. I went out around 9.30 and saw the little disk of Io on the planet along with the GRS. Ganymede and europa were an impressive 'double star'. Seeing was initially very poor but improved over the next few hours as Io eventually cleared the disk along with the GRS. Saturn was nice, very low but the seeing improved and the cassini well defined.... Tonight looks promising too. 

Edited by skyhog
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2 hours ago, skyhog said:

That more or less sums up my observation last night. I went out around 9.30 and saw the little disk of Io on the planet along with the GRS. Ganymede and europa were an impressive 'double star'. Seeing was initially very poor but improved over the next few hours as Io eventually cleared the disk along with the GRS. Saturn was nice, very low but the seeing improved and the cassini well defined.... Tonight looks promising too. 

That was about the same for me too. Seeing was pretty poor to start. Could see GRS and Io shadow but little else in the way of detail. But by 10:30 things had really settled down and able to pick out fine detail on Jupiter. Also cranked the magnification right up to silly levels for the seeing but able to a distinct disk to Ganymede. All be it a fuzzy one.

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