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Sun 05-09-21


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Busy old Sun today, first time it's shown it's face in weeks, got all set up and the cig' plug on the camera flew to bits firing springs etc all over the garden and they promptly disappeared of course, had a brief look for them then went in search of another plug to cannibalize for bits, found three plugs all with different size fittings managed to force one together after wasting an hour and started imaging then camera kept disconnecting, no idea why, turned it off and on a few times then it seemed to be happy so have manage a few vid's of sunspots and just going to try for some proms fingers crossed 🤞


Will add some pic's later, hopefully.

Edited by Davey-T
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1 hour ago, athornett said:

I love the way the prominence has come out with red background and black sun. Need to give that a go myself. What are your settings in Photoshop to get those colours?


Black Sun is done with select colour tool and paint can filled set to black.

Then selection inverted to colour.

I just drag the red slider to the left and blue and green to the right in levels until it's a colour I'm happy with.


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