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Twin canons at mighty Jupiter


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Had a nice long session in Jupiter last night. Seeing was good after midnight and after using both the 102ED-R and the C8 for a while, it turned out that the C8 was the preferable scope tonight. With BVs attached giving a magnification of around 190x the views were superb with plenty of detail in still moments. Unfortunately by the time I got around to doing a sketch Jupiter was over the rooftops so the poor sketch below doesn't show it at its best. The small satellite is Io and was definitely a tiny disc. Annoyingly if I’d stayed out for another 30 minutes I would have got a shadow transit, but at 1am I was just too tired! I also managed to find the ghostly blue Neptune, took some tracking down actually, mainly due to tiredness In think!  


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1 hour ago, Buqibu said:

Thats a great sketch! Would you say binoviewers enhanced the view? I've read a lot of posts saying they do and are worth the money.

100% yes! The main reasons they work are that it is so much easier to see small details with both eyes and it is much more comfortable to view for long periods with both eyes. It also reduces the effects of floaters at high magnifications. The actual image is probably slightly less sharp with BVs but the above more than compensates. I know some folk don’t get on with them, but for me and many others,  it’s a game changer!

Edited by RobertI
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3 hours ago, RobertI said:

100% yes! The main reasons they work are that it is so much easier to see small details with both eyes and it is much more comfortable to view for long periods with both eyes. It also reduces the effects of floaters at high magnifications. The actual image is probably slightly less sharp with BVs but the above more than compensates. I know some folk don’t get on with them, but for me and many others,  it’s a game changer!

Thats great! Clear skies!

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