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The Pelican's Neck


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I suppose that 80 minutes is all one can expect in this part of the world, these days.  Although, to be fair, musn't complain... Clear Outside showed all red for last night (3-Sept-2021) but there was just a bit of high cloud until the last five minutes of acquisition, and then, suddenly, woosh, it was all clouded up.  At that time, the target was just reaching the meridian, anyway.

Trying to correct the tilt/spacing issues with my field flattener, I rotated the camera 180º, just in case that helped.  It didn't.

Usual setup, for the time being:

  • Esprit 120ED
  • Mesu e200 mount, guided with RMS < 0.5"
  • ASI 294MC OSC with Altair Astro Quad-band filter
  • 16 x 5 min subs (for a total of 80 minutes)
  • PixInsight / StarNet

Was hoping to catch the jets of the Herbig-Haro 555 at the end of the pillar in the neck, but apparently this needs more data.  Probably much easier in Ha, but OSC and a Quadband filter is what I have at the moment.  Will try to add more later, although multi-night acquisition is something that I've rarely done.  Trying to up the quality this season... although the large halos seem to be endemic for this type of filter, and I've chosen not to do anything to mitigate these for the time being.





Edited by AKB
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