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Jupiter on 22nd August 2021


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A few images below of Jupiter, taken on the evening of 22nd August and early hours of 23rd August, between 23.12pm to 00.24am .  Images one (23.12pm) and two (23.16pm) show the tail end of the Ganymede transition.
As Jupiter got higher in the sky, the clarity improved.  Hence my fourth image (taken at 00.24am) is a bit clearer and sharper than the rest.  The sky background may look a little bright.  This is because of the full moon being in close proximity. 
Also, it was my first attempt at imaging Jupiter this year and because of excitement and being out of practice, I probably had my camera gain set a little too high at 298, giving a brighter background.

Imaged through my Intes MK67 Maksutov (no barlow lens used) on NEQ6 mount, via my ZWOASI178MC camera. Image capture area (ROI) set at 1040x1040, using RAW8 format to produce higher frame capture rate.
Images run through SharpCap at the telescope and afterwards processed through PIPP, and AS3.  Only the smallest of tweaks in Registax wavelets,  then onto Affinity Photo for some slight levels and curves adjustments.
My train of thought at the moment, is to keep "sharpening at the minimum" too avoid creating noise.  I prefer my Jupiter images to be more subtle than heavily processed. 









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