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Help with Canon EOS6Dmk2


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Hi all,  I have purchased a  Canon camera and last night tried to attach to my telescope, only to find it won't take photos without the lens attached.  So this morning I asked Canon by email how to use this camera with the telescope.  Canon's reply was that this model cannot operate without a lens attached.  Can someone out there tell me if this is correct or is there some way to get around this problem.  Please don't reply if you have no experience with the Canon EOS6D mk2 but will be very pleased to hear from other EOS6D mk2 owners

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If you remove your lens from your Canon, doesn't the shutter activate?

I vaguely remember a "Release shutter without lens" menu option on various models, but it doesn't seem to exist on the 6D Mk2 (I own a 80D and a 6D myself)



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