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DSLR challenge - help me survive the Zombie Apocalypse.

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I was given the choice of a present: a baseball bat, or a camera. I chose the camera.

Now I am regretting my decision - help me stay alive!

I have a Canon 6d, and a Samyang 135mm.

I have only 100 minutes (plus a few mins to stack and correct in startools) before the zombies arrive to eat my brain

As we all know, the only zombie deterent is a high quality astrophotography picture (red nebulas a zombie favourite).

Do I:

1: take 200 subs at 30 seconds @ iso 3200 (test shot seems to show this 1/3 or so histogram)


2: take 100 subs @ 60 seconds @ iso 1600 (also about 1/3 histogram)


3: take 50 subs @ 120seconds  @ iso 800 (also about 1/3 histogram)

quickly i can hear their cries !



Edited by powerlord
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According to the following link iso 1600 is optimum for the 6D.

Best ISO values for Canon cameras | DSLR Astrophotography (dslr-astrophotography.com)

Good luck with the Zombies.🧟‍♂️

Option 4 - go to Astrobin and nick someone else's picture and take all the credit! (and hope the zombies fall for your cunning plan)

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it was the stacking that got me in the end.. a few minutes were not enough. I tried distracting them with a picture of the pillars of creation, but they said that was old hat... then ate it. and my brain.


Edited by powerlord
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