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Svbony SV105 camera - any idea what lens I need for an allsky ?


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Hi chaps, got this really because it was 18 quid. It's actually pretty good for planetary and lunar, but I end up using my asi224 instead.

So, I thought re-purposing it as an allsky would make sense. It does have a limited max exposure of 0.5 seconds, so its not gonna be great, but if I can get a cheap lens it's worth a punt.

However, not sure where to start there - it comes with a 1.25in collar for slipping into a telescope. this is removable. I tried manually positioning the allsky off the asi224 on it, but the back focus is clearly very different, though can't find anything telling me what it is. I'd imagine the right size security camera type lens is what I need but no idea what. On the chance that someone has already solved this problem I thought I'd ask here ?


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Wide angle CCTV camera lens can be found on eBay, I don't know what thread is on the sv105, but worth a look. You can buy C-mount lens and I have seen a 1.25" to C-mount adaptors. The main issue is going to be back focus, do you know what the flange to sensor distance is for the SV105?

Edited by chemistorge
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well, thats the issue, back focus distance isn't pulished anywhere. I've found that if I put an eyepiece up against it, I can achieve focus and use it as a microscope.. if anyone knows what back focus eyepieces have ? But yeh, without knowing the back focus, I figured trying to get a lense to work i get from ebay hasn't got any more chance of working that getting it to work with the allsky lens that comes with the asi224. 😞


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