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Hello mojo.


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A still yet to be fully diagnosed respiratory condition has laid me somewhat low, astro' wise, for some time now. Venturing out in to cooler evening/night air tended to result in coughing spasms and in the end I gave up trying.  I'm still having tests but current treatment is helping. This morning I dug my Tal 100r out of its box and bubble wrap, to check something out to do with another thread and on seeing that nice white tube for the first time in ages, my heart heart gave a little excited jump. The mojo is still there, Wow!!   Looking to darker autumn skies, squirting the inhalers, and giving it a go.

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Thanks guys. Initial diagnosis was a bit scary but now I'm not so much expecting to get back to "normal" as more getting things as good as I can and living with it. In many respects life goes on as was. It could definitely be worse!🙂

I really hope I can get back into some useful sessions at the eyepiece, would love to get back to cruisin' craters on Luna!

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Ian hope you're able get back to the eyepiece in some capacity soon! You've got some nice toys to play with👍.

Have you thought about a solar filter so you can get out and observe in the warmer daytime air?


(Another) Ian


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5 hours ago, Helical said:

Ian hope you're able get back to the eyepiece in some capacity soon! You've got some nice toys to play with👍.

Have you thought about a solar filter so you can get out and observe in the warmer daytime air?


(Another) Ian


Hi Ian, thanks for the idea. I had actively considered solar observstions a while back but if I'm honest, with health worries,  my heart had gone of it. Feeling more like it now so yes its something worth a second look. Thanks.

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