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A 'blast from the past'


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Hello to old friends here, and there were quite a few.  👋

I am possibly going to be '"dipping my toe" into astro imaging again.

I joined SGL back in 2007, and left in late 2009, after being on the receiving end of some nasty comments from one particular member of the Admin team, whom I note is no longer a member of the team. Rather than stoop to that level by returning the same, I left group.  It’s nice to see that both Daz and Grant are still running things, they were both "Mr Nice Guy", and I’m sure still are.

When I left SGL, along with another well known member, we "joined forces" and created the Progressive Astro Imaging Group (PAIG), which ran very successfully for several years. In late 2014 I was diagnosed with Bowel Cancer, and underwent major surgery. Living in a rural village with no facilities, totally dependent on a car, and wife that doesn't drive, the sensible option was to move house. At the time, I didn't know what my future was, and if I didn't make it, I didn't want to leave my wife stranded in the village.

Nobody was prepared to take on the group, because it cost money to provide, so sadly it closed.

Although we didn't move far, only a mile, but to a much larger village that has facilities (shop, and Drs etc), but it came with light pollution from street lighting. Something that wasn't present in our previous village. As such I sold all of my astro gear, and left my observatory behind. Seven years on, and I’m still here. A bit older, but fit and healthy. Had I known this, we would not have moved, and I would still in be in the observatory, and imaging.

I then concentrated on my lifelong hobby of photography, and created a Facebook based photography group,  confined to four adjoining East Anglian counties. This still runs very successfully.

A few of my astro images from ‘back in the day, can be seen on my photography web site at :- https://davesimaging.wixsite.com/mysite

The astro imaging 'bug' has never left me, and prompted by the fact that the street lights in the village now go of a 11.30pm,  I am considering having a another dabble at astro imaging. Not in a big way this time ,with lots gear, and an observatory with warm room, but a decent EQ mount, a 110 or 115mm APO  refractor, and  OSC camera. 

BTW, Steve, good the see that FLO is still flourishing, it was always a pleasure doing business with you, as well as having known you personally.

Apologies for the long intro, but I've finished now. 😅

Regards to All, Dave S

Edited by centroid
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36 minutes ago, Marvin Jenkins said:

I will not say “welcome back” as I have  only been here a few years, but your post feels like the detection of a gravitational wave.

Just out of interest why was the title changed by the mods?

I missed out the 'A' so it just said "blast from the past", and the Mod changed it to "A blast from the past"

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Thanks for the welcome guys. I have missed my astro imaging, and since I gave it up, it has been an itch that needs to be scratched 😀.  I just want to be able to 'dabble' again, without going the "whole hog" as I did previously, when I spent several thousands of  pounds gear.

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24 minutes ago, MartinB said:

Well this is a blast from the past!  Welcome back Dave, there are still quite a few of us old timers still around.

Hi Martin, we do go back a long way 😀. Good to see that you are still in the hobby, and still on your Bike it would seem.  Are you still working in your profession?.  I have been retired for 19 years now, and apart from one medical  incident, enjoying every day. It was a pleasure meeting you at Kelling Heath, and as I remember, you even brought your bike with you 😅

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2 hours ago, DaveS said:

Hi Dave and welcome back. I think I may have joined a few months before you left.


4 minutes ago, Philip R said:

Hi @centroid / Dave and welcome from me too! :hello2:

Thank you Philip. You stay safe too. All 'double jabbed' here 🙂

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6 hours ago, centroid said:

Hi Martin, we do go back a long way 😀. Good to see that you are still in the hobby, and still on your Bike it would seem.  Are you still working in your profession?.  I have been retired for 19 years now, and apart from one medical  incident, enjoying every day. It was a pleasure meeting you at Kelling Heath, and as I remember, you even brought your bike with you 😅

Retired 4 years ago Dave but still grinding the bike gears.

You're going to notice some astro tech changes such as  CMOS cameras, a better range of mounts, software automation using platesolving and some heavy duty processing software.

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1 hour ago, MartinB said:

Retired 4 years ago Dave but still grinding the bike gears.

You're going to notice some astro tech changes such as  CMOS cameras, a better range of mounts, software automation using platesolving and some heavy duty processing software.

Welcome to retirement Martin, I'm sure you earned it. I notice that CMOS sensors do seem to feature in a lot of the new cameras now. CMOS was always the poor relation to CCD. I've yet to decide on a camera, but have made up my mind on the mount, just need to decide on a suitable scope (refractor) now. Just the one this time 😁. Only interested in deep sky now, so the question is, something like a 115mm f/7 APO, or a smaller (less than 100mm) faster scope. Have set a budget of budget of circa £1k. Would love to 'push the boat out' like I used to, but have just spent £53k on a new motorhome. Am in no rush.

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