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Question about planetary imaging parameters


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I want to make the most of the fact that Jupiter will still be around for about another month to do some imaging. It looked truly magnificent visually last week through my frac.

I've not attempted planetary imaging before so I have a few questions. I'm going to be using my 20cm SCT (f/10)

I read that to generate a video for 'lucky imaging' it's best to match the focal ratio to the pixel size of the camera (f-ratio = 5 x pixel size). So at prime focus at native f/10 I should ideally be using 2um pixels.

But I was planning on attaching the camera to my Baader Morpheus 6.5mm eyepiece to make the image bigger. What is my f-ratio then? What about a Barlow? The scope is still f/10, but presumably using an eyepiece changes that? But how?


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  • 2 weeks later...

In general, a 2x Barlow before your camera is a good combination - you need LONG focal length and f/15 to f/20 (depending on sensor)

The ASI224 sensor might be the best for your needs.


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