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Greetings from East Kent!

Alex E

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Hello everyone,

Long time passion for astronomy/space/science, just getting on the road to building a starter astrophotography set to play around with now because well.. no time like the present.

I'm down in Whitstable in East Kent (UK), so Bortle 5 from the backyard with access to Bortle 4 nearby, but that's pretty much as good as it gets. Weather..well.. coastline so it's basically weather by the hour but where there's a will there's a way.

Looking forward to chatting to and learning lots of things from the very experienced people of SGL and hopefully one day I'll share some shots I can be proud of.

Edited by Alex E
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2 hours ago, newbie alert said:

Welcome Alex, I'm from Ashford myself and in the same boat bortle scale wise.. I'm also a member of SEKAS which are in Dover, looking forward to when we can meet up again in person as it's online atm

Whst kind of setup are you looking to do?

I'll be starting off with wide-field deep-sky. I've gone for the WO Redcat 51 mainly because I've read/seen good things about it and being super lightweight it'll allow me to dabble in some daylight photography with it as well which I hope will keep me going whilst skies aren't suitable for anything astronomical. I am still trying to figure out the mount part. Instinctively I wanted a GoTo Eq mount but of course I am limiting my budget at this point so the options were fairly few there and unfortunately none of them in stock anywhere soon.  I might divert back to the Skywatcher Star Adventurer which I've read good thing about but of course is only a tracker rather than a GoTo. I reckon it's probably in a way a good idea no to get a GoTo as it'll force me  to get to know the night sky a bit more. I still remember all the biggies but I have also forgotten a lot.

Other than that I plan to shoot on an modded SLR to start with (either a 600 or 700D probably) and if the bug catches on, maybe invest in a ZWO later on, which I've seen fantastic results from but of course is a more sizeable investment.

I do have some interest in solar observation as well, but I haven't even begun to look at what would be needed to be able to do that safely with my current planned setup.

Btw if anyone has off the top suggestions for a reasonably priced (~100 quid and under) decent tripod that I might match with the Star Adventurer, it would be most welcome.

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Welcome from a Man of Kent here too (even though I haven’t lived in Kent for over 40 years!).  I remember Whitstable well, although I grew up a few miles east of Canterbury.  The skies were reasonably dark around there then. I doubt they are now. 

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