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Images, Early Evening of 14th July 2021


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 A few images here that I took very early in the evening on 14th July, not long after sunset. During very hot British weather!  I was inspired by some of the recent daylight images that I had seen on SGL and thought I would give it a go!


Vixen VC200L and ZWOASI178MC camera.
Captured using SharpCap and afterwards processed via Autostakkert and then Affinity Photo.

A lot of my images were complete failures, but I have scraped the barrel and perhaps some (these) are not too bad.  The quality is a bit noisy, but I am pleased I salvaged something out of the Barbeque smoke.


1. Mosaic Image. Four 3096 x 2080 panes stitched together using Affinity Photo Panorama.

2. Large section of the Eastern Moonscape. (Imaged at camera resolution 1920 x 1200)

3. Another 1920 x 1200 res image. In this one the eye is drawn to Mare Crisium, with the Crater Condorcet just about visible at 1 o,clock.

4. An image crop showing the Mare Nectaris region and the interesting Half Crater Fracastorius.  I am starting to enjoy labeling some of my images with the names.

5. Two pane mosaic converted to black and white.  Mare Crisium on the the right and the distinctive craters Atlas and Hercules on the left. down below in the shadow is the crater Posidonius and Montes Taurus.

Regards to all,








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