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He's a big boy

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Well first light last night for my new EQ6-R PRO. Wow this thing is big. and heavy. and did I mention, big.

I swapped all the kit over from my EQ5 with eqstarpro, and after a bit of farting around before finding the right baud rate to connect the asiair, it was all working.

The EQ5 is quite old, but I rebuilt it with new greace, etc and was getting somtimes 2" rms, sometimes 1. but occasionally the DEC will go for a wander. Probably not balanced very well.

After only 10 mins or so of tuning I'd gotten the EQ6 to <.5 rms. ocassionaly over 1, but no wanders. There's def more to do there, as it's the RA that is wandering most which is weird. saying that, I've just realised that when I put it away this morning I hadn't tightened the RA clutch nearly enough.. so that probably explains it... will find out whenever we get some decent weather again.

For first time though that meant I could do 600 sec subs - which I'm hoping will pull a bit more Oiii/Sii out of IC1396 that I'm currently working on.

So, summary - really pleased I took the plunge. And now I need to sell the EQ5/EQStar pro before I decide I need it as a spare or something!


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Fancied one of these to replace my second-hand HEQ5PRO; however it is SO BIG!!! Seems so much less easy to move and set up each time I want to use it. Maybe I'll settle for my erratic HEQ5!

Looking forward to hearing about progress with it.

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Sounds you are in a similar place to me right now. I'm using an EQ5 with a Skywatcher 200p so guiding with it is difficult to get any kind of consistency with the motor upgrade kit (not GOTO). I've just got bored of dealing with the problems that brings due to the weight of the scope, so ordered an EQ6-R. Been waiting around 6 weeks for delivery.

When did you order yours? Just to get an idea of how long I could expect before arriving

. :)
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