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Short but wow.


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Set up early but planned to go out later to catch the planets.  Why not try a few objects and get my eye in with some sketching.

M3    just a dusty cloud here no chance of seeing any individual stars but the view was great.

M5  No tree in the way must try this again an hour earlier.

M15  A ball of unresolved stars but still a great view.

NGC 1502 Two bright stars at its centre with trails of stars coming off in different directions.

NGC 1501 could not see this must try with UHC or Oiii filter next time.


NGC 7788 + NGC 7790 These clusters look very similar many blue stars with sprinkling of orange stars well worth a visit.

NGC 225 Lovely cluster from my perspective it was butterfly shaped just the wings though.

NGC 654  A bright star with a cluster of stars to the side

M52 nice cluster of white/blue stars with a contrasting orange star, first time I have looked at this as are all the clusters above and below. 

Cr 463  01h 48.0  +71° 57      This is a very big open cluster dim stars I could make out a crescent shape it has been called the "Lock Ness Cluster"  it does resemble a Plesiosaur.

 ι (Iota)   (SAO 0122 98) Mags of 4.6 and 6.9 with a separation of 2.9" between Aa-B and mags of 4.6 and 9.0 with a separation of 7.3" between Aa-C  I was so thrilled to get this in the C-102

η (Eta)    (SAO 0217 32)    mags of 3.5 and 7.4 with a separation of 13"  Bright yellow with tiny red/brown companion.

Σ 170    (SAO 0045 12)   mags of 7.5 and 8.2 with a separation of 3.2"  off white with a small blueish companion split at x118

21    (SAO 0042 16) mags of 5.7 and 10.6 with a separation of 35.9"  at  x147.5 (8mm)   I did not think I would get this being the second star was a 10 mag star so well pleased.

To the main event having remembered to put dew strips on both planets had climbed high above the roof tops.

Saturn with Barlowing my Vixen silver top 10mm with the Tal x2  it was a sight I have never seen before the Cassini division was very easy and I could make out a band on the planet itself wonderous sight.

Jupiter with 3 moons heading away towards the 2 o'clock position it was time to put mag on this 11mm Televue plossl and the Tal x2 did best here I could see 5 bands the thicker one on the bottom was accompanied by a thin band just underneath incredible views. 

All this from A Celestron C-102 4" scope. This scope is brilliant really impressed with it and free.





Edited by wookie1965
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That's a superb report ! You can't beat a 4" frac !

I always try to include some of Caroline Herschel's discoveries , NGC 225 being a delight in Cassiopeia. It's a bit like reliving history ,


both Saturn and Jupiter have given great views,


Edited by cotterless45
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32 minutes ago, cotterless45 said:

That's a superb report ! You can't beat a 4" frac !

I always try to include some of Caroline Herschel's discoveries , NGC 225 being a delight in Cassiopeia. It's a bit like reliving history ,


both Saturn and Jupiter have given great views,


I got them from the lists you gave me otherwise I would never have known about them. Cracking clusters people should really visit. 

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