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Cygnus, Lacerta and a couple of planets.


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Had the scope out for a couple of hours waiting for darkness,  Polar aligned and for the very first time my handset corresponded with the Synscaninit app  for Polaris position and hour angle usually a couple out.

Swung the scope to Altair fine tuned the alignment then did a one star alignment with Deneb very close in FOV centered it and off we go.


Σ2671  (SAO 0324 55) Mags 6.0 and 7.5 with a separation of 3.6"   bit of mag here to get a clean split x118 with 10mm silver top Vixen plossl more on this eyepiece later.  White with tiny dot at the side.

16        (SAO 0318 98)  Mags 6.0 and 6.2 with a separation of 39.1"  pair of wide gold stars  with stars all around I believe this could be a triple but I couldn't see it.

26        (SAO 0490 98)  Mags 5.2 and 8.9 with a separation of 41.4"     Wide pair but beautiful colours Orange and pale lilac 

Σ2687  (SAO 0325 91)  Mags 6.4 and 8.3 with a separation of 25.8   again wide with contrasting colours yellow with blue/green companion.

S 786 with  Σ2789 make up another double double. (SAO 0333 34) S 786 mags are 6.9 and 9.2 with a separation of 47.1"  yellow and blue.  Σ2789  Mags are 7.7 and 7.9 with a separation of 6.8"  pair of twins.

δ Rukh   (SAO 0487 96) Mags 2.9 and 6.3 with a separation of 2.5"  This is not as easy as one would suspect had to Barlow a 10mm to get a clean split with a bright white and pale green on its edge.

NGC 6866 "Kite Cluster" A nice cluster it is too.

NGC 6871  A lovely cluster with what looks like 6 pairs of double stars in the FOV two pair right in the centre.

NGC 6888 With a UHC filter in this was a wow I did not think I would see it but with the semi apo filter in the diagonal and the UHC oh it was a delight.

NGC 6910 "Rocking Horse"  Has to look at this again with the 5" and it did not disappoint.

NGC 7039 lovely cluster and I could see there were many many stars but more mag never brought them out perhaps under darker skies.

M29 I really liked this small cluster and next time I am going to sketch it.

M39 This is another I want to sketch it is not so involved with hundreds of stars but lovely just the same.

Saturn this looked incredible two moons showing Cassini division I could even make out a bit of detail on the globe never seen that before. Pushed the mag right up to x262 and it was steady.


h 1735 22h 09.3  +44° 51`    This is a triple with 3 stars in a row Mags of 6.7, 6.8 and 9.7  the dim star is between the two other, the outside stars where white the dim star looked off white. Hass says White, Blue white and yellow white.

Σ2902 (SAO 0519 57)  Mags 7.6 and 8.2 with a separation of 6.4"   Off white with silver like companion.

8   (SAO 0725 08) mags of 5.7 and 6.3 with a separation of 22.2" brilliant view two nearly alike white stars with several dim companions 

NGC 7209 A cracking cluster must visit again.

NGC 7243  Another lovely cluster many blue stars here.

NGC 7245 A small cluster most of the stars where unresolved.

Swinging round to Andromeda  a favourite of mine NGC 7662 for some reason wasnt as blue as I had seen it before, M31 got to look at this and very underwhelming spun around as Jupiter had cleared the roof tops opposite me,

What a sight the old Vixen silver top 10mm was a delight to use crisp sharp image watched the shadow of the moon on the surface but I could not push the mag up any more than x118 Jupiter when soft.

As it was 2am I switched off the mount turned the scope into the horizontal position to take it off and then I saw it for the last few objects not as good as previous must of guessed by now DEW I had not put a dew strap on thinking it was too warm for it, how wrong was I well that is why NGC 7662 did not look as blue how M31 was a cloud and why I could not push the mag up on Jupiter oh well you learn something new everyday they say well I did tonight.

This was from Saturday night  I could not go out last night I was in too much pain hoping it settles down for tonight want to get the Helios on Jupiter give it a whirl,  thanks for reading.


Edited by wookie1965
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9 hours ago, Captain Magenta said:

Yes dew creeps up on you. You get progressively less satisfied with what you're looking at, even starting to think the scope's rubbish, then it occurs to you. My Telrad generally dews up first giving me advance warning.

I only use my Telrad for alignment once that's done I don't look through it again. 

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37 minutes ago, RobertI said:

Nice haul. Was this with the Tal? (sorry can’t see your sig on my phone). I was surprised one night when my Tal dewed up before my C8 (usually a dew magnet!). 

No it was with my 127mm Meade 

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14 hours ago, RobertI said:

Nice haul. Was this with the Tal? (sorry can’t see your sig on my phone). I was surprised one night when my Tal dewed up before my C8 (usually a dew magnet!). 

In chrome , you can select the menu button and give the desktop site option . It will show you the signatures 👍 . But beware you have to zoom every time as the desktop version has different ratios ! 

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