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Plate solving to a target using asiair pro

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I have my asiair pro connected to my heq5 pro. No hand set used, everything is done by platesolving which is great as no star alignment is needed (just a polar align and then goto will go to any target).

However if I want a target to be off centre a bit then I will let the asiair/mount platesve to the target. I will then manually move the mount to frame the target. If then on another night I want to frame the target in the same place can you use an image that was taken and is stored on the asiair to platesolve to the target again and frame it up th same so it can be stacked with the previous nights images?

Can the goto do this? I am sure I read somewhere it can but cannot find it.

Edited by Chefgage
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I’m considering getting an ASIair and this would be a feature I need so have done some digging which turned up;  

That was added one or two releases ago. Pull up a previous image in the image manager and there should be a "go to" button in (if I remember correctly) the lower right corner. It will plate solve the center of the image and go to the coordinates. Now if I could just get the camera in the same rotation night after night.

If that works could you let me know?  


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16 minutes ago, wormix said:

I’m considering getting an ASIair and this would be a feature I need so have done some digging which turned up;  

That was added one or two releases ago. Pull up a previous image in the image manager and there should be a "go to" button in (if I remember correctly) the lower right corner. It will plate solve the center of the image and go to the coordinates. Now if I could just get the camera in the same rotation night after night.

If that works could you let me know?  


Thank for that. I will try it tonight and let you know. I can highly recommend the asiair especially if you do as way with the hand controller of your mount and just use the platesolve method to get to a target, works a treat.  

Something else I have found whilst trying to answer the question I asked is if when the mount moves to a target and you want the target to be a bit lower for example. I have been using the manual controls to move the target but you can just press and hold anywhere on the image and it will bring up a goto button. This makes it alot easier than just moving the mount a bit then taking an image then repeating.

So this is nearly what I was after but you seem to have confirmed what I am after doing. 

I will report back if it works :)


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If I want to return to the same centre spot I plate solve it and save it as a user object  with a name so I can recall it any time in the future, have to keep the camera orientation the same.


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18 hours ago, Davey-T said:

If I want to return to the same centre spot I plate solve it and save it as a user object  with a name so I can recall it any time in the future, have to keep the camera orientation the same.


Thanks. I thought it would be possible.

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