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Zwo Asi533 Mc- pro whats the best recommended narrowband filter settings for nebula


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hi with  only a few dark night time hours available in the summer months i am not sure what gain settings or exposure time i should use for the crescent nebula as i am new to cmos cameras as anyone any ideas?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Jaxson, I'm not sure if you found an answer elsewhere or not.

I use an ASI533 with an ASI Air Pro. That means I'll be using the default offset which I cannot change (70 I think) and unity Gain of 100 (which I can change, but don't need to). I've only had one outing with my l-eXtreme filter but subs of 180s in a Bortle 5 zone worked pretty good for me on the North America and Pelican Nebula! No saturation of stars for sure. Attached is a brief edit on a 2hr stack for illustration. 

The crescent nebula is also an emission nebula so 180s should be a good starting point. You could probably get away with more but I haven't tried it personally so cannot say from experience. I understand that the crescent nebula has a nice oxygen shell so if you're using a filter with an OIII bandpass then you'll want to get a good total integration time to see it. 


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