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First Light for 300p - Jupiter 16/07


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FINALLY managed to get out with the 300p that I've had for months and not been able to use. 

Shot 15x 90s vids of jupiter. Have only processed one single video so far which produced the image below. I'm going to run all the best ones through winjupos and see if I can improve on this one.

SW300p, QHY462c, ZWO ADC, APM 2.7x barlow operating at 2.87x (f/14.3).

AS3 > Astrosurface > Affinity photo with a final colour tweak in PS express on my phone as I processed it on my laptop which has a pants screen and I can never get exposure or colour right on it.  Will do proper process on monitor. 


Single 90 sec video


Derotation of 6x 90sec videos 



Edited by CraigT82
Added winjupos result
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How easy is "Astrosurface"  to use   ??  I must admit I had not heard of the program.

I usually play around with Registax  after stacking.  Sliding the sliders  and sliding them some more ( not knowing what on Earth I'm doing ).

My images look a bit better but there is really no method at all.  Wondering if this program is bit more up to date and less overtly technical ??




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1 hour ago, Craney said:

How easy is "Astrosurface"  to use   ??  I must admit I had not heard of the program.

I usually play around with Registax  after stacking.  Sliding the sliders  and sliding them some more ( not knowing what on Earth I'm doing ).

My images look a bit better but there is really no method at all.  Wondering if this program is bit more up to date and less overtly technical ??




It's not the easiest to be honest but it does have more features than registax.

The wavelets function has only two sliders: low frequency and high frequency, so simpler than RS in that sense. There is also an LR deconvolution feature and to get the best of that you upload an image of a star to allow it to calculate the PSF and do the deconvolution (similar to pixinsight), but I haven't really bothered with that feature yet. 

it also does sell the other stuff: levels exposure, contrast, rgb align, white balance, resizing etc etc.. 

I've been using it for about a year now and I haven't gone back to RS since for planetary. For lunar I still find the multiple frequency levels of wavelet adjustment in RS handy.

Edited by CraigT82
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4 hours ago, neil phillips said:

The big newtonian is doing well this low down. Thought you would never join the party. Good work Craig. Careful with that histogram looks a little clipped my end 

Thanks Neil, yes the initial processing I did on the laptop with the rubbish screen.  Have redone it using my monitor and now have a final result, what do you think? I tweaked the colour and levels and tackled the bright edge of the limb and added a little gaussian blur around the edges of the planet.



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1 hour ago, CraigT82 said:

Thanks Neil, yes the initial processing I did on the laptop with the rubbish screen.  Have redone it using my monitor and now have a final result, what do you think? I tweaked the colour and levels and tackled the bright edge of the limb and added a little gaussian blur around the edges of the planet.



What do i think ?

That is superb. I have to admit i didnt think the mass produced scope would do this well. Much better process. No trace of clipping. Lovely detail this low. The smoothness works for me too. Colour can always be tweaked and often in the eye of the beholder. Some prefer a redder browner appearance as here. While others prefer a bit more blue for a whiter tone. on the pure white areas. Its just preferance. and we are all individuals and can often change our taste from time to time. The important things you have absolutely nailed. Very impressed way to go Craig. You also clearly have a good set of chinese optics. They can sometimes be a bit hit and miss. Yours are clearly a hit. Your lunar work should now take off too. Exciting times. I may have to start experimenting more with winjupos. as i take it you did multiple combines. How many 90s in this Craig ? It helps me experiment more. untill now i have been a bit slap dash this low you have convinced me otherwise i think. This was worth the wait

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3 hours ago, neil phillips said:

What do i think ?

That is superb. I have to admit i didnt think the mass produced scope would do this well. Much better process. No trace of clipping. Lovely detail this low. The smoothness works for me too. Colour can always be tweaked and often in the eye of the beholder. Some prefer a redder browner appearance as here. While others prefer a bit more blue for a whiter tone. on the pure white areas. Its just preferance. and we are all individuals and can often change our taste from time to time. The important things you have absolutely nailed. Very impressed way to go Craig. You also clearly have a good set of chinese optics. They can sometimes be a bit hit and miss. Yours are clearly a hit. Your lunar work should now take off too. Exciting times. I may have to start experimenting more with winjupos. as i take it you did multiple combines. How many 90s in this Craig ? It helps me experiment more. untill now i have been a bit slap dash this low you have convinced me otherwise i think. This was worth the wait

Thanks Neil. C&C always very much appreciated. I know what you mean about the colour balance, even looking at Juno and Hubble images online there is plenty of variation the the colouring, I guess even the people processing them will have some bias too. How do you tell the tue colour of Jupiter... I guess you could try to match the eyepiece view but even then different optics will produce differing hues.  Short of stowing away on the next spacecraft hesding that way and paying it a visit in person we will always be just guessing!

I have done a quick phone process with more blue to get the whites whiter than white (a 'Daz' version?!). 



This one is 6x90sec videos. Winjupos is a gamechanger and definitely worth it to crank up the number of frames in the stack and get those nice smooth looking images. Using the OSC makes things much quicker too, I only spent 15 mins in winjupos for this, would have been nearer an hour for an RGB capture. 

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16 hours ago, CraigT82 said:

Thanks Neil. C&C always very much appreciated. I know what you mean about the colour balance, even looking at Juno and Hubble images online there is plenty of variation the the colouring, I guess even the people processing them will have some bias too. How do you tell the tue colour of Jupiter... I guess you could try to match the eyepiece view but even then different optics will produce differing hues.  Short of stowing away on the next spacecraft hesding that way and paying it a visit in person we will always be just guessing!

I have done a quick phone process with more blue to get the whites whiter than white (a 'Daz' version?!). 



This one is 6x90sec videos. Winjupos is a gamechanger and definitely worth it to crank up the number of frames in the stack and get those nice smooth looking images. Using the OSC makes things much quicker too, I only spent 15 mins in winjupos for this, would have been nearer an hour for an RGB capture. 

Cheers for the info. Your thoughts on video de rotation compared to stacked images. video de rotation is even easier. But from your results it looks to me like the short multiple image technique may work better, i am unsure though. Have you experimented with video de rotation compared to say image stacking. Perhaps when you was doing mars. Anyway this is just great. Your scope and technique are clearly rocking. Most impressed.

Edited by neil phillips
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On 17/07/2021 at 22:31, neil phillips said:

Cheers for the info. Your thoughts on video de rotation compared to stacked images. video de rotation is even easier. But from your results it looks to me like the short multiple image technique may work better, i am unsure though. Have you experimented with video de rotation compared to say image stacking. Perhaps when you was doing mars. Anyway this is just great. Your scope and technique are clearly rocking. Most impressed.

Yes I did the the video derotation once and it took ages to complete, might be my old laptop though. Never bothered with it since as the image derotation seems to work so well.

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12 minutes ago, CraigT82 said:

Yes I did the the video derotation once and it took ages to complete, might be my old laptop though. Never bothered with it since as the image derotation seems to work so well.

Yes its not kind to old lappys. I tried it, seems to work fairly well.  But cant fault your technique here its superb. Out of interest as people seem to have said different things over the years, during image measurement do you input the Mid point time or just the start capture time ? 

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6 hours ago, neil phillips said:

Yes its not kind to old lappys. I tried it, seems to work fairly well.  But cant fault your technique here its superb. Out of interest as people seem to have said different things over the years, during image measurement do you input the Mid point time or just the start capture time ? 

I have firecapture set to name the captures with winjupos compatible filenames so that WJ reads the time when you load it into the image measurement. I'm pretty sure it is the capture midpoint which is written to the file name. I'll have to double check but I think that is what it does. 

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5 hours ago, astroman001 said:

Hi Craig,  that's a super result, nice contrast and colour in the final versions.

Well done, also for getting up early to capture Jupiter.


Thanks Peter, there was a few attempts made at getting up early in the last few weeks, all ending up with me not being able to leave to comfort of my bed after the 3am alarm goes off!  This time I was determined though and went to bed especially early. Looking forward to opposition and imaging at reasonably sensible times. 

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11 hours ago, CraigT82 said:

I have firecapture set to name the captures with winjupos compatible filenames so that WJ reads the time when you load it into the image measurement. I'm pretty sure it is the capture midpoint which is written to the file name. I'll have to double check but I think that is what it does. 

Yes thats what i did many years ago mid point. But some recent tutes just say put in time ? 

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59 minutes ago, neil phillips said:

Yes thats what i did many years ago mid point. But some recent tutes just say put in time ? 

Yeah I guess it depends on if your doing video derotation or image derotation?

For video you want to derotate each frame to the mid point of the capture, which may be pretty long and so have a lot of rotation between first and last frames. 

For image derotation each capture should be short enough not to show any rotation at all between first and last frames, so the timestamp for that capture could be start middle or end and that theoretically shouldn't matter as there's no rotation between them. Then when you do the actually derotation of all the captures you need to match them all to the middle one. 

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3 minutes ago, CraigT82 said:

Yeah I guess it depends on if your doing video derotation or image derotation?

For video you want to derotate each frame to the mid point of the capture, which may be pretty long and so have a lot of rotation between first and last frames. 

For image derotation each capture should be short enough not to show any rotation at all between first and last frames, so the timestamp for that capture could be start middle or end and that theoretically shouldn't matter as there's no rotation between them. Then when you do the actually derotation of all the captures you need to match them all to the middle one. 

Ok that makes sense. Its been a long time since i thought about all this it helps recap my thought process cheers Craig 

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