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JMI EV2c Event Horizon 2-inch Crayford Focuser for Cassegrain Telescopes with Motor

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Does anyone have experience of using the above or can suggest cheaper alternative kits (I.e less than £450 for this unit) for simple motor control of a Crayford  or Rack and Pinion focuser attached to the visual back of an SCT?  I’m not looking for autofocus btw, just the ability to fine focus without having to touch the scope and also preferably control the focuser via a laptop rather than hand controller.  The OTA is an 8” Meade LX90.



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  • 10 months later...

Hi Andrew, further to our other correspondence I think I am going to head down the JMI route. 
For my immediate needs of done focus it is dual speed and for future needs (hands free, then auto) I know I can with relative ease attach the ZWO EAF.

Where did you buy yours? Looks like RVO are about the only people that list them? 

Also, do you know if the stock SKU comes with the insert providing SCT 2” at the rear end (where the eyepiece would go). And does the stock Crawford come with 2” to 1.25” reducer?

Sorry to bother you with this, it’s just that the descriptions don’t seem to be great.

Cheers Chris 👍

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