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Large picture/poster with targets on it ?


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Has anyone come across a high resolution/large picture of sky which has all the major targets on it with little pictures ?

Maybe one for nebula, one for galaxies, etc?

Though I've got the 'periodic table' of targets, and I can hunt around sky safari, I'd like a pic I could print out maybe A3 size or larger that I could quickly look at and see where things were, and what they looked like to help choose targets.

No screeds of writing etc - just basic night sky with same 50 or so of top nebulas, positions, apparent magnitude, etc.

For example since they are all different sizes, its not that easy to surf around sky safari and find them all - by having a 'map' that just has location, magnitude and picture, ignoring scale, it would really help a lot.

I could start trying to put one together, but it feels like something someone will definately have done before, though I'm not managing to find it so far in searching the net.

Basially this sort of thing, but for us, not Elite.. and with coords and AM):



Edited by powerlord
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