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North-East Moonscape Image


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Another image which I took on 17th June.

Equipment: Vixen VC200L Telescope with ZWO178MC and Atik 0.5 Focal Reducer. NEQ6 Pro Mount.

300 images stacked out of 1,618 using Autostakkert. 1.5x Drizzle applied. Image then processed in Affinity Photo.



North-Eastern Region Moonscape.
Showing many well known lunar features. The crater "Arago" is in the dead centre of the image, within Mare Tranquillitatis.  Mare Serenitatis and the crater "Posidonius" are on the left of the image.





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Heya Steve.  REALLY like your colour here!   Must get a colour cam one of these days...  or a planetary filter set.

I am a little confused as to your choice in extra glass to reduce, then adding a 1.5X drizzle.   Seems counter productive?  Your sensor has 2.4um pixels which match nicely for critical sampling  (just a little undersampled) to your F9 scope at prime.   Imho you would have got a better result shooting at prime, then processing as best you can and reducing a little.   Seeing was obviously not optimal and your result is nice the way you did it, but, I do think a more conventional approach would have netted you an even better image.  :)


Very best regards



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2 hours ago, WestCoastCannuck said:

Heya Steve.  REALLY like your colour here!   Must get a colour cam one of these days...  or a planetary filter set.

I am a little confused as to your choice in extra glass to reduce, then adding a 1.5X drizzle.   Seems counter productive?  Your sensor has 2.4um pixels which match nicely for critical sampling  (just a little undersampled) to your F9 scope at prime.   Imho you would have got a better result shooting at prime, then processing as best you can and reducing a little.   Seeing was obviously not optimal and your result is nice the way you did it, but, I do think a more conventional approach would have netted you an even better image.  :)


Very best regards



Hi Mike,

Thanks for you comments,

The using of the 0.5 focal reducer was basically a bit of an experiment on the Moon while I was waiting for it to get really dark to have a test on some DSO.  However when I saw how "tack sharp"  the moon looked on my laptop screen,  I went and fired away a lot of moon AVI's.  My resulting Moon images at the highest camera resolution of 3096 x 2080 came out really good and I completed a mosaic.  However my images captured at resolution 1920 x 1200 came out a bit under-sampled with blocky artefacts etc.   So I then decided to try and salvage some of my images by applying Autostakkert Drizzle.   It seemed to have worked, but don't think I will be doing it much again, as like you said, it is a bit counter productive.  I noticed when going through the Drizzle procedure,  the process seems to take an eternity and with all the air blowing out of my computer and noise it makes, I was worried  if I do much more , I will be looking for a new PC !



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3 hours ago, PembrokeSteve said:

Hi Mike,

Thanks for you comments,

The using of the 0.5 focal reducer was basically a bit of an experiment on the Moon while I was waiting for it to get really dark to have a test on some DSO.  However when I saw how "tack sharp"  the moon looked on my laptop screen,  I went and fired away a lot of moon AVI's.  My resulting Moon images at the highest camera resolution of 3096 x 2080 came out really good and I completed a mosaic.  However my images captured at resolution 1920 x 1200 came out a bit under-sampled with blocky artefacts etc.   So I then decided to try and salvage some of my images by applying Autostakkert Drizzle.   It seemed to have worked, but don't think I will be doing it much again, as like you said, it is a bit counter productive.  I noticed when going through the Drizzle procedure,  the process seems to take an eternity and with all the air blowing out of my computer and noise it makes, I was worried  if I do much more , I will be looking for a new PC !



Ahh... yes.  I know all about experimenting with seemingly off choices.  hehe.  I do it all the time.  Makes perfect sense now!   And yes...  I totally agree about the crunching time for drizzle!   Its fine for 2mp files...  not bad.  But, bigger, yeah it takes too long.  

Clear skies!



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