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Motor Drive

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Hello all at StargazersLounge

I am new to this site and new to astrophotography so please forgive me if my question seems naive.

Last year I bought a meade polaris 130eq telescope without a motor drive because I wanted to get reasonably competent with it before spending extra for said drive.Fast forward a year and I thought now's the time, but low and behold, meade have discontinued this item and it now seems impossible to source fom anywhere.

My question is does anyone know of a different  brand motor drive that is compatible with my meade telescope?

Any and all advice would be much appreciated 

Many Thanks 

Paul Blake 

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Hmmm... if your Polaris mount is like the one in the right hand side of the pic below I'm fairly certain you can use an EQ-2 RA drive, but maybe the older style one...



Here is a few pics I've grabbed off the et to show how the Polaris mount is the same as the EQ-2 and how the drive should fit on there.


If your mount is different than the one pictured then if you post a pic of it we can investigate more.


EQ-2 Vs Polaris.jpg

Astrobaby EQ-2.jpg

Astrobaby EQ-2 b.jpg

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20210624_193435.thumb.jpg.ff029caf518a85232acd8d1525372a66.jpgHello Craig 

Certainly looks the same mount,but if it is the older motor drive that fits, the price of that was a bit more than I was planning to spend,unless I can get it cheaper elsewhere.


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Ah I didn't even look at the price of it!

I think it's more expensive because it comes with the multi speed handset which is very handy to have, whereas the cheaper one is basically on or off. 

There is a slightly cheaper one on ebay right now...


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Just looking at the cheaper EQ2 'economy' drive (without the multi speed handset) and I think it would fit your mount. It seems to go on the other side of the worm shaft, have a look at this thread where someone put one on a Polaris...


Edited by CraigT82
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I've seen the one you mean on ebay and that's more reasonable.Tempted to give it a try.It's still a learning curve for me and and I'll post as how I get on.

Once again,Many Thanks 

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It helps to understand the key difference between the Economy/Simple motor drive and the one with a handset: the Economy motor drive has a basic motor that is voltage driven and not accurately speed controlled. That's not good for astrophotography as the tiny speed control has to be tweaked (repeatedly) to try and track targets without streaking due to the motor not running at the required speed (it varies with battery voltage). This motor drive is aimed at observing where slow drift is not important.

The motor drive with handset has accurate speed control, hence it is better for astrophotography, subject to the considerable limitations of an EQ2.

EQ2 mounts from SkyWatcher and Meade are basically the same and will take either motor drive.

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9 minutes ago, Blakey said:

When you say considerable limitations of the EQ2 are you referring to it's stability ?

It's certainly rather wobbly, though the Meade version with tubular legs may be better than others. Other considerations relevant to astrophotography are: polar alignment (no RA axis polar scope so other methods must be used), load carrying capacity, no guiding in RA/DEC, no goto and a focuser that will deflect with the weight of a DSLR. The Meade Polaris 130 OTA (like others of this type) won't come to focus with DSLR. 

It depends on what sort of images you wish to take e.g. a webcam or dedicated astrocam (not cheap) can be used successfully with the Polaris 130 setup to take images of the Moon or some bright deep sky objects. DIY work can extend the capabilities to an extent.

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I recently bought a revolution imager.I have read mixed reviews about it and as yet not used it for astronomy,just tested it out terrestrially,so can't make a judgement yet.I know some say the camera it comes with is not up to taking great images,but I am new at this and just finding my feet really.

Just waiting for some clear nights,which are a rare in this country,and even better,Winter nights,so I can try it out properly.

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I have this Meade "Polaris" 114mm f/8 kit, with an EQ2-class mount, and just as your own...


I also have this Celestron 9V-battery motor-drive...


It comes with two brackets, for attaching the unit to either a CG2(EQ-1) or a CG3(EQ-2).  This Sky-Watcher unit is specifically for an EQ-2...


There's another for the EQ-1, which looks just like that one, but you don't need it.

Before you use any motor-drive for the RA-axis of your EQ-2 mount, you must ensure that you can twist the worm of the RA-axis with just your thumb and forefinger, easily and smoothly.  If you cannot, then you will need to adjust the worm-assembly until you can, and before attaching any motor-drive...


Else, you will risk damaging the motor-drive.

If, after adjusting, some improvement is noted, yet could be better, then the entire mount-head may need disassembling, cleaning, re-greasing, and adjusting.

If you go with either one of those 9V-battery motor-drives, you can use lithium-ion batteries, expendable or rechargeable, or you might cobble something together for use with the mains.

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Many Thanks, Alan64 and AstroMuni

I have seen a motor drive with multi speed handset online and am considering buying one,subject to stock availability and waiting time.

My telescope is not yet a year old so hopefully I won't have any problems with the worm of the RA axis not moving freely,which to be honest I didn't have a clue about,so thanks for the heads up.

I would just like to say how grateful I am for all the help and advice I have had already  on StargazersLounge,having joined only last week.At this rate my head will probably explode with information overload !!!

Once again, Many  Thanks 

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2 hours ago, Blakey said:

Many Thanks, Alan64 and AstroMuni

I have seen a motor drive with multi speed handset online and am considering buying one,subject to stock availability and waiting time.

My telescope is not yet a year old so hopefully I won't have any problems with the worm of the RA axis not moving freely,which to be honest I didn't have a clue about,so thanks for the heads up.

I would just like to say how grateful I am for all the help and advice I have had already  on StargazersLounge,having joined only last week.At this rate my head will probably explode with information overload !!!

Once again, Many  Thanks 

My apologies, but both axes, both worms, the RA and the DEC, of my own, were bound up tighter than a Christmas cracker, brand-new, and upon its arrival.  That very well may have been done for shipping purposes.  Hence, why I had made merry mention of it.

Edited by Alan64
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Yeah,checked mine and although they're not as bad as yours were,they're not exactly free flowing.I'm not experienced enough to start dismantling my telescope and am beginning to think I might just carry on with the slow motion controls.

I never even considered this to be an issue,I suppose I've still got a lot to learn !!!

Many Thanks,Alan 

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On 26/06/2021 at 03:13, Blakey said:

Yeah,checked mine and although they're not as bad as yours were,they're not exactly free flowing.I'm not experienced enough to start dismantling my telescope and am beginning to think I might just carry on with the slow motion controls.

I never even considered this to be an issue,I suppose I've still got a lot to learn !!!

Many Thanks,Alan 

It's a relatively simple pipe mount.  You can find out more about it here...


The current EQ-series mounts are Chinese clones of those that were once made in Japan, and all that that entails.

As a result, there are many who regard these as throw-away mounts, but they're quite good replications actually.  They simply need a bit more attention and polish.

Telescopes and mounts, when they were made in Japan in decades past, were quite expensive.  These days, they are much more reasonable in cost, but with the proviso that the user is "invited" to improve them. 

If, in future, you intend to eventually upgrade to an EQ3- or EQ5-class mount, then you can throw the EQ-2 away as well.  But an EQ-2, or an EQ-1 even, does make for an easy-to-manage equatorial-type mount, for "grab 'n' go".

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I appreciate you sending all that information but I know I'd be out of my depth attempting all that, and I'd probably end up ruining my telescope.

I wonder though if an astronomy shop would offer this  kind of tuning service. I suppose  I can contact some and get an idea on cost.

Many Thanks 

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On 29/06/2021 at 16:09, Blakey said:


I appreciate you sending all that information but I know I'd be out of my depth attempting all that, and I'd probably end up ruining my telescope.

I wonder though if an astronomy shop would offer this  kind of tuning service. I suppose  I can contact some and get an idea on cost.

Many Thanks 

My profound apologies for the late reply, Blakey.  You don't have to do everything I did to my own to get it working well, not at all.  I do feel that it would be within your capabilities to simply take each axis apart, clean out the old factory-grease, off of the parts and washers, replace that with a better grade of grease, like Super Lube or a marine-type grease, and put it back together.  You can refer to my images within that thread, or take your own photographs, and to aid in reassembling.

Then, if you'd rather not take anything apart, check each axis for looseness or tightness, and simply adjust the lock-nuts of each axis accordingly...

 The RA lock-nut...


The DEC lock-nut; the three shiny set-screws are backed off, then the large black nut can then be unscrewed.  After adjusting the nut, you tighten the set-screws...


Then, adjust the RA-worm assembly, if needed... https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/319273-meade-large-equatorialeq-2-hyper-tuning/?do=findComment&comment=3492379

If you exercise reasonable caution, you won't break anything.  Just take your time, don't be in a hurry.


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