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Star Adventurer shutter cable splitter


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As a mk1 Star Adventurer owner, I have happily been imaging with my M4/3 body for a good while using the SA shutter release port.

As I have 2 similar cameras and lenses, is there a way I can trigger two cameras from the shutter port?

I was thinking something like this.


Obviously, blowing either my tracker or cameras up is not high on my wish list, so any reason why it would not work?


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To be honest, I don't know if just using a simple splitter cable would work safely without risking damage to one or both the cameras as it doesn't offer any form of separation between the two cameras.  On the first webpage which @iapa has linked, there's a section about half way down mentioning about triggering multiple cameras at once and there's a diagramme with diode protection on there, the switch side of it is already in the SA.  If you know a bit about soldering things together, or have a mate who's handy with electronics, a splitter with the diodes would be pocket change to make and offer peace of mind against damaging a fairly expensive bit of hardware.

Edited by BCN_Sean
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Thanks all, some very useful information to digest.

I've just bought a splitter, so I'll see how it works out, when it arrives.

Judging by the useful link posted, I won't bother with the diodes as I am only firing two cameras.


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