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White balance with a CLS filter

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I use an Astronimik CLS clip in filter for suburban light pollution, but it gives a strong blue cast. So I tried setting a custom white balance with a white sheet of paper in daylight. But my DSLR seems to forget this setting after I’ve changed the battery.

Are there any other ways of dealing with this?



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It's best to take RAW images with a DSLR, so any colour balance you set will most likely only be visible on the camera preview, not in the image.

IMO, it's best not to fight filters too hard. You are removing big chunks of the spectrum so the colour will never be as natural as unfiltered.

If there's a dominant colour cast, this should easily be fixed in processing. 

Tell us what you're using and we could advise more. Even easier if you'd like to post an example.


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As alacant said.

If the 750D is not retaining the Custom White Balance over battery changes, then perhaps the tiny data battery in the camera has failed ?

Unlikely on a fairly new camera.

It eventually discharges if the camera is stored without the main battery, 

If that's the case the date and time resets too.


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There's only a couple of other things I could throw in to the mix here, the first being to remember to turn the camera off before swapping the battery (I don't know about Canon but the memory on a Nikon only saves data on a clean shutdown).  The other is if using any control system for the camera, like an indi driver or other software, is to make sure that it's not writing it's own values to the camera at connect time.

Best thing to do, though is to use RAW, not worry too much about on camera white balance and fix it post capture.

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Ok, thanks everyone. 

I am shooting RAW. So am I to understand that with RAW files the white balance setting doesn't matter? I guess I was thinking that I would need to counteract the blueness caused by the CLS filter. But maybe I don't?

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1 hour ago, StuartT said:

with RAW files the white balance setting doesn't matter

Correct. RAW is just that, The raw data. Just the signal and the noise.

On some cameras you can choose to save a .jpg along with the raw to get an idea of what the colour may look like, but for astro stuff, that's not necessary.

Cheers and HTH


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2 hours ago, alacant said:

Correct. RAW is just that, The raw data. Just the signal and the noise.

On some cameras you can choose to save a .jpg along with the raw to get an idea of what the colour may look like, but for astro stuff, that's not necessary.

Cheers and HTH


well fancy that! Many thanks. Save a bit of faff then. 😊

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