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Carte du Ciel initialisation error message: “open printer exception” access denied.

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Any suggestion would be helpful.

The programme won’t open without a pop up saying “”initialisation error message: “open printer exception” access denied”” occurs on my Windows 7 32 bit machine. How can I overcome this?
I have reinstalled the software several times, removed my antivirus.

Some files always remain when uninstalling and programme says these can be removed manually. (could these be the problem but I am unable to remove them as they are seemingly linked to something else  but nothing else is running)  How can I remove them?

Sometimes when I reinstall the programme opens and the full mapping shows as expected and everything works but after closing down and reopening the error appears. If ignored the programme opens but there is only a black star field and no menu bar icons.

I have tried saving a full map cdc and then tried to open that over the black screen but I only get a second tab with a black screen.

any help would be appreciated. 

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Sorry for this error.

From the error message it look like something do not work on your system when the program try to enumerate the installed printers.
I can try to make a fix to bypass this error and disable the print function in this case.

In the mean time you can try to bypass the error by adding some dummy printer in Windows  ( a PDF to file for example), then uninstall CdC to cleanup the configuration and reinstall.


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