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DIY Astro Pier/bird table Project Complete


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Considering my own ideas for similar, I was thinking that the timber would move with moisture content changes, but you've got all the adjustment you'll ever need to cope with that. I like it. I'd put dome nuts or larger on the top of the studding, I'd be hitting them with my elbow or worse.

Timber posts rot in concrete (water is held against the post). I give that 5-10 years max (I had unloaded 3" fence posts get to 4 years), but worth it compared to the less attractive steel alternative. Certainly something I'd have to consider to get domestic planning permission. ;)




Edited by UKDiver
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If it was tantalised softwood I’d agree but I chose 6x6” solid oak gate post for the reason its more structurally sound & should last a bit longer.

The studding lengths will be trimmed down when I’m sure I have enough to play with, they’re currently a bit longer than ideal to secure the bird table.

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