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Advice: LX200R 10" back focus

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Hi all, I recently bought an LX200R OTA and I'm totally new to SCTs I'm trying to work out how to build my imaging train but I'm struggling to find information. I plan on purchasing the Optec Lepus x.62 reducer and I've only seen somewhere that you need 100mm of back focus from that but i'm not even sure where it would go in the imaging train. I'm shooting with the ZWO ASI1600 MC-Pro cooled at the moment. I'd like to swap out the now dead micro-focuser (stripped nylon gear) for a Moonlite as we've got one at the club and it seems very nice. Any help regarding LX200R imaging train building would be appreciated. Also pics of your setups would be great too. 

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I don't own an LX200 SCT, but I propose you start with the simplest possible set-up.

That is, an external focuser on the back of the SCT (probably Crayford-like) and add the camera direct on the focuser?

Then, you do the rough focus on the original focuser, and the fine focus on the visual back?

What's the thread of the visual back? 2", 3" or something else? Some example focusers for large SCTs:




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Best to start with the manufacturer's figure, 100mm or 105mm, they show two ways to measure it:


You just need to have that figure between the FR and the ZWO ASI1600 MC-Pro sensor, so don't put the new focuser in-between, as it will vary that distance.

As you can see from the link they make many versions to suit push-fit or screwed-in connections.



Edited by michael8554
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