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Bresser full HD deep-sky camera (2.1MP)

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Hi All,


I am considering purchasing a Bresser full HD deep-sky camera (intended type attached) and wonder if it is any good for autoguiding (I can't seem to find any reviews on YouTube)?

I was also wondering if it can work as a stand alone camera through your scope instead of using a DSLR (i.e. will it still take long exposures if the ST4 port is not connected to a mount, just the USB 2.0 cable connected to a laptop only))?

Hope someone can help.

Many thanks,



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I'm sure it is fine for autoguiding as it was built for that purpose. It uses good sensor - IMX290 - same sensor used in ASI290 and other cameras.

You'll be also able to image with said camera - just keep in mind that your success depends on scope you'll be using. This is small sensor with very small pixels.

It is best that you pair it with fast, very short focal lengths scope. Alternatively - consider getting one of these:


I started out with camera like that (QHY/ALCCD 5-IILc it was equivalent of ASI120 color) and I used it for everything - planetary imaging, guiding and some DSO work.


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Thanks for your advice.

I have a decent DSLR as well, but would be good fun to compare images between the dedicated CCD against my DSLR.

I'm saving for a better goto mount (i.e. something like a Skywatcher EQM-35 Pro) and would then like to use this type of camera to facilitate in autoguiding etc.

Thanks again,


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This is an interesting find. In another thread, someone was recommending the ASI290 over the ASI120 as it was more sensitive for guiding with an OAG. The Bresser is half the price of the ZWO ASI290 - if it is just being used for guiding, does the ZWO offer any advantages over the Bresser equivalent?

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10 minutes ago, Shimrod said:

This is an interesting find. In another thread, someone was recommending the ASI290 over the ASI120 as it was more sensitive for guiding with an OAG. The Bresser is half the price of the ZWO ASI290 - if it is just being used for guiding, does the ZWO offer any advantages over the Bresser equivalent?

My main concern with such products would not be the product itself - I'm sure it will work just as fine - but software support.

At the time I was using QHY5LIIc - I've found drivers to be rather buggy and temperamental. With ZWO I almost never had such issues (I did maybe have issues once or twice - but new version of drivers sorted it out - and I did not have to wait for it long, it was actually out before I even encountered the issue).

That of course says nothing about software support for Bresser - or whether one finds that worth price premium or not.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi @Dougie Smart - 

I bought a Bresser full HD camera. Installed Toupsky and the ASCOM driver for Bresser. Connected it to my laptop via the cable provided with the camera. Opened Toupsky - it did not detect the camera. Opened SharpCap and it did not detect the ASCOM Bresser camera...

Did you have to do anything different to get the camera connected?

There is a little red indicator at the back of the camera. Does that turn on when your camera is detected, or is that only when guiding?

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