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Asi air pro problems after latest firmware update


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Hi Every one,

I managed to get a sneaky 3 hours of imaging done last night,

with the Asi air pro, which i have been using now for the several months,

and i have to say, its been reliable and does the job intended.

But after  a firmware update yesterday afternoon, it was doing,

some erratic things, initially i saw a bit of an improvement with the ,

multi star guiding, well for ten minutes anyway, then it would just randomly,

go mad looking for a guide star and it would say guide star lost,

it would then settle down after resetting the guide star,

then it would do it it again , if that wasn't bad enough, 

the zwo eaf could not find focus,, i would have to manually get the 

focus good as i could then do a automatic focus, and this happened,

every time it went into the focus mode.

if it was just one thing i might be able to put it down to a suspect cable.

My main question is has anybody else had problems with the latest firmware upgrade.

it was fine before this.

Any help would be appreciated 

Clear skies, Paul


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Although this is the relax-section where probably nobody wears their technicians hats, i havent noticed strange behaviour after the latest updates.  Can you give a short description of the steps you took? Did you polaralign with asiair, using eqmod etc?

Edited by Robindonne
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