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Hi everyone

All well up until around 03:00 when the wind direction changed and damp easterlies brought both humidity and haze. A bit (of a?) void for suitable targets ATM with Cygnus rising too late to start anything decent and the near full moon the other side around sagitario.

Messed up the centre of this by believing I understood how deconvolution worked when stars are close. Yet another one back on the try-again list.

DSLR imagers, do post your efforts on the same. Very bright; I think it's doable even for those in non astro-dark locations.

Thanks for looking and clear skies.

eos700d on gso203 @ ISO800


Edited by alacant
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excellent. Can I ask what your exposure settings were? I was up till 3 this morning capturing M13 but I don't think I'll get anywhere near as much detail. I couldn't go beyond 60 seconds at iso 800 without the sky washing out.  55 north so the sky didn't really get properly dark.


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Here's my result from last night. I took an hour at 30 seconds but for some reason the TIF file loads up a very red image in Gimp so I'm going to take another look at those subs.  I did another hour of 60 second subs (both sets ISO 800) which I've played with a bit in GIMP (I really wish I could get someone over to show me how to do the post processing). 



M13 31 5 21.jpg

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  • 3 months later...

This is my latest try at M13 at Bottle 6+

I've been delaying the project due to weather and the target is now lower than desirable.

Guided SW 200PDS + EOS600 unmodded + MPCC

25 subs @ 180s ISO800 + 15 flats + 20 bias.

Stacked with DSS and quick processed with PS.

Comments more than welcome.M13.TIF




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7 hours ago, barbulo said:

my latest try at M13

Lovely shot.

I found quite a few more stars in your .TIF, helped in no small part by StarTools' latest Deconvolution module. Not sure if it's in good enough focus though.

Oh, and I'm hopeless at colour unless someone is telling me over shoulder style.

Cheers and thanks for posting.



Edited by alacant
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Thank you very much!

1 hour ago, alacant said:

I found quite a few more stars in your .TIF, helped in no small part by StarTools' latest Deconvolution module.

Still a lot to learn about processing. I’ll give a try with StarTools. 

1 hour ago, alacant said:

Not sure if it's in good enough focus though.

I suspect it’s not spot focused. I need to spend more time with EAF to find out the value of the backlash. 

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