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SkyFi and Starry Night Setup Issues

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I am attempting to set up telescope control using SkyFi and Starry Night on a Celestron SLT130 telescope using a Windows 10 tablet. The hand controller, which has a mini-B port, is connected to the SkyFi unit with a mini-B to USB-A cable.

I am following the setup instructions found at: 


I have successfully:

1) Downloaded Starry Night Special Edition

2) Connected with SkyFi

3) Aligned the scope

4) Downloaded the HW VSP3 (virtual serial port)  program

5) Opened the VSP program and logged in

6) changed the port name, IP address and port number in the VSP window to the suggested settings

However, when I then selected  "Create COM" , I got a "Status: Error" message under VSP and under LAN in the VSP window.  Under Counters in the VSP window, everything reads "0".

After multiple attempts I finally got a "Status: Connected" message under VSP (and the COM 3 port shows up in the port directory) but the "Status: Error" message under LAN remains. Starry Night indicates "telescope is not connected" under Telescope Control.

Any suggestions on what the issue might be?


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a bit of a guess, but make sure there's nothing else (apps) running in the background on the tablet, do a full shutdown and restart then try it again.  If possible, try disabling all of the background app update / refresh settings so that there's the minimum network traffic possible on the table IO ports.  I don't have a Windows 10 tablet so can't advise in detail, but it sounds like there may be something conflicting with the SkyFi software or network / serial comms port.  Also double check that the serial port connection speeds and settings are the same on the telescope and in SkyFi / VSP3.

Edited by jonathan
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