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I have too many clouds for telescopic observation this evening, but there was a small gap half an hour ago and the Moon was looking very nice in pinkish cloud. I just love the first hour of moonrise near full Moon, there is such contrast with the sky.  I had a brief look with my binoculars and got my camera ready for the next gap. Enjoy and may you have better luck with the clouds!


Edited by Nik271
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Nice photo !

It is clear here but I'm having a rest from scope observing for an evening. I did pop upstairs to get a nice naked eye view of Mercury in the western sky a short while ago.

The moon does not rise above the surrounding houses here tonight but it's glow will infuse the sky so deep sky observing will not be at it's best.

I might pop out with some binoculars and see if the nova in Cassiopeia is still a binocular object.


Edited by John
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I watched it here as it rose above a tree - quite spectacular. When there was a clear patch of sky, it was so bright I could read the lettering on the front of my latest copy of AN, and interestingly, a field of yellow buttercups in front of my house did look slightly yellow. I took a quick pic with my phone at the eyepiece using my grab 'n go ED80. Sorry for the naff quality:-




Edited by chiltonstar
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