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hercules globular clusters

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Hi everyone

Ideas for the next few nights. Full moon, so of course wonderfully clear skies. I think these clusters are of equal size, but one lies at four times the distance from us.

The 3 minute limit on the frames may have helped show detail in the centre of m92, but all credit to StarTools' no nonsense HDR module for making it so easy, even though my impatience led to overdoing it.

We managed around 90 minutes on 6229 but only an hour on 92 as the Mediterranean haze took hold, from around 03:30 according to the EKOS log.  Noisy, but what can you do...

Thanks for looking, Do post if you've had a go with a DSLR.

eos700d on gso203 @ ISO800








Edited by alacant
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